Its been a hell of a year. I remembered just last year writing a post recalling the things that happened in 2005 and here I am doing it again for 2006.
2006 has been more personal for me. So many things that had happened throughout the year had affected me one way or the other. So bear with me if it seems this post s getting too long
The year had started with a new class, a new change, a new challenge. It was scary yet comforting cos I know I got a great co-teacher to work with. Was so looking forward to the challenge in moulding the pupils I get. I love my S2A kids. They bring joy and laughter to my everyday work. It was worth every headache, paperworks and backstabing I get at work.
Starting DISE was a drag initially but look how far we've come. The last semester was full of emotion especially in our 'Counselling' class. Somehow, fate must have planned something cos we made lots of great friends. I realise then, how I love school actually and love homework, assignment and all. (I must be mad!) Hai.....working for the DISE finally came to an end in July when 40+ of us graduated at the big hall in NIE with the other teachers. It was such a bittersweet moment.
Celebrating my bday with Amoi, Naz & Kaiyah felt strange somehow. Cos I knew then I guess, that we had drifted apart. Or at least, I had drifted apart from them. How, and when? I couldn't tell. Yet when Amoi left us to go to China with her husband, I began to feel something missing. NOW that is strange, considering my love-hate relationship with her.
In September, I lost someone dear to me. Someone I practically grew up with. My late uncle Rosli, was my playmate when I was younger. I always looked at him more like a big brother instead of an uncle. We shared so many similar habits, character and even in looks (its the sepet eyes). This is the first time in my life, ever to lose someone who means the world to me. Cos he is not just a freind, he is family. When the first time I lost a friend to death in 1998, I felt sad and hated death for it. Then I lost another friend, in 1999 and I felt resigned to fate. But when I lost my god-bro in 2005, I thought there could never be another hurt as how I felt. But this year, the hurt was too overwhelmed. I don't think I'll get over it.
This year is also the year where my little bro finally grew up, steping into teenage life. Its a big step for him cos he got so much to live up to. I mean the rest of his sibs had done well in life (of cos there had been screw-ups along the way). For him, life has just begun.
Truthfully and honestly, I'm not looking forward to the new year. Turning 25 soon made me realise that I am a quarter to a century and yes I'm getting older (Yikes!). It's scary cos there is so much more to come and I'm not sure I have any more strength for any other emotions in store in 2007.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Where did my hols go???
Hei....Merry Xmas!!!! Its a day after Christmas and one more week to the new year. Oh my god, where did the hols go??!!!!! I can't believe a month had gone by.
It's been a hell of a holiday. Feeling really relaxed and can't wait to go back to work. Been watching too many movies and eating a lot. Me and Soul has been trying out this new eating habit this whole month. We are trying out this "cheat day diet" (I think that was what it was called). Soul saw this celebrity on Tyra Bamks show who shared her secret on keeping a healthy body. She said she didn't do diet instead she eats normally, exercise and keep one "cheat day where she eats any sweets or unhealthy food for that day only for a week. For the rest of the 6 days she eats healthily. So me and Soul crazily tries it out. For the first week it was HELL!!! We tried not to eat fast food cos of the oilyness and fattenin thingy. Do you have anyidea how hard it is to find healthy food in this country??!! Especially halal ones. For the first week, I keep eating sandwiches and soups; mee wanton soup, yong tau foo soup, soup noodles, fish noodle soup. It was mad!!! By the 3rd day I was ready to quit. Can you imagine how bad it is for me who loves fried chicken, who need to indulge in french fries every day to keep myself sane had to give that all up??? So Soul being the sweetheart he is, decided that maybe it is ok to have McDonalds as long as I'm not eating the oily McWings. I was finally in heaven!!! I managed to stuck through the week and when sunday finally came (we decided that Sunday will be our cheat day cos its the day we usually have weddings to go and have to eat nasi minyak.) I had the KFC Prfect Meal for Variety Lover. It has chicken, burger, popcorn chicken, fries and pepsi. was good. But by the next week, we got used to it that we had to have something soupy for most of the days. Of cos we not only eat healthily but we try (very hard!) to exercise.
I would recommend this to those who likes to diet. It keeps you healthy (I hope!)
It's been a hell of a holiday. Feeling really relaxed and can't wait to go back to work. Been watching too many movies and eating a lot. Me and Soul has been trying out this new eating habit this whole month. We are trying out this "cheat day diet" (I think that was what it was called). Soul saw this celebrity on Tyra Bamks show who shared her secret on keeping a healthy body. She said she didn't do diet instead she eats normally, exercise and keep one "cheat day where she eats any sweets or unhealthy food for that day only for a week. For the rest of the 6 days she eats healthily. So me and Soul crazily tries it out. For the first week it was HELL!!! We tried not to eat fast food cos of the oilyness and fattenin thingy. Do you have anyidea how hard it is to find healthy food in this country??!! Especially halal ones. For the first week, I keep eating sandwiches and soups; mee wanton soup, yong tau foo soup, soup noodles, fish noodle soup. It was mad!!! By the 3rd day I was ready to quit. Can you imagine how bad it is for me who loves fried chicken, who need to indulge in french fries every day to keep myself sane had to give that all up??? So Soul being the sweetheart he is, decided that maybe it is ok to have McDonalds as long as I'm not eating the oily McWings. I was finally in heaven!!! I managed to stuck through the week and when sunday finally came (we decided that Sunday will be our cheat day cos its the day we usually have weddings to go and have to eat nasi minyak.) I had the KFC Prfect Meal for Variety Lover. It has chicken, burger, popcorn chicken, fries and pepsi. was good. But by the next week, we got used to it that we had to have something soupy for most of the days. Of cos we not only eat healthily but we try (very hard!) to exercise.
I would recommend this to those who likes to diet. It keeps you healthy (I hope!)
Friday, December 22, 2006
Accidents bound to happen
Read the news today. 2 girls died in an accident at chua chu kang ave 2. Actually knew about the news cos it happened 2 days ago right infront of my sis eyes. The 2 girls were very young, aged 21 and 23 respectively. They were riding on a bike that was only bought a few months ago when it crashed with a lorry. The rider had just passed her bike lessons 6 months ago. The rider, a divorcee left a 5 yr old daughter.
I keep wondering how the family is gonna move on. I keep wondering what would happen to the daughter. Its a sad sad world.
At times I'm faced with a dilemma. There are two sides of people. One side are people who likes to take risks in their lives, living it to the fullest. The other side take things slow, being extra careful on how they lead their lives. They might not live it to the fullest but they get to live longer? At least most of them do. So where do I stand in?
I keep wondering how the family is gonna move on. I keep wondering what would happen to the daughter. Its a sad sad world.
At times I'm faced with a dilemma. There are two sides of people. One side are people who likes to take risks in their lives, living it to the fullest. The other side take things slow, being extra careful on how they lead their lives. They might not live it to the fullest but they get to live longer? At least most of them do. So where do I stand in?
Friday, December 15, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Walked around town today. Got a new 'FOX' skirt that I've been aiming to buy for quite awhile. So happy when I finally bought it. Can't wait for bonus next week. My sis got 4K! I hope I get as much cos our pay ain't that much of a different. ;)
Ok back to the subject.....was walking around town today and saw so many people wearing cool boots!!! What's up with that??!! And then I saw this pink butterfly Dr Mart boots!!!! At first I tried on this high knee length Dr Mart boots but realise that I would have problem with the side zip as I have big calfs. Then the sales lady told me to try the pink high cuts and I went CRAZY cos it was so cool!!!! Can already imagine it with my new skirt!!!! (Rach I think you would love it too!!!) But I was contemplating to buy. The practical side of me tells me that I won't wear it often and I can't wear it to school. But the wild side of me reminds me that I'm not young anymore. If I don't wear it now then when?? Hai!!!!!! How???!!!!!!
Ok back to the subject.....was walking around town today and saw so many people wearing cool boots!!! What's up with that??!! And then I saw this pink butterfly Dr Mart boots!!!! At first I tried on this high knee length Dr Mart boots but realise that I would have problem with the side zip as I have big calfs. Then the sales lady told me to try the pink high cuts and I went CRAZY cos it was so cool!!!! Can already imagine it with my new skirt!!!! (Rach I think you would love it too!!!) But I was contemplating to buy. The practical side of me tells me that I won't wear it often and I can't wear it to school. But the wild side of me reminds me that I'm not young anymore. If I don't wear it now then when?? Hai!!!!!! How???!!!!!!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
My Sweet Bought me Flowers!!!!!

Anyway felt damn guilty bout it cos I've been throwing my tantrums at him for the last few days. (can blame on my pms!) Hai......first time siak he bought me a bouqet. So far all this while only buy me in stalks. But ok lah some people will say "at least you get flowers." I know I know and I'm very thankful for it ok!
Can't Sleep
Its late but my eyes won't shut. The feeling of sleepiness that used to guide me to dreamland had abandoned me. Could it be because I'm not tired yet or is it because of too many things on my mind.
Too many things happening, too many shits just happen. One minute you're up and the next you're down. Happiness just doesn't stay.
I'm not the type to talk but I'm willing to listen. Why won't you just listen to me and let it go! I said I don't and I say I won't. Stop hurting me with all those words.
Too many things happening, too many shits just happen. One minute you're up and the next you're down. Happiness just doesn't stay.
I'm not the type to talk but I'm willing to listen. Why won't you just listen to me and let it go! I said I don't and I say I won't. Stop hurting me with all those words.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
This Christmas
"Its a season to be jolly Fa la la la la la la la la"
That song keeps playing in my head. What's up with that man!
Its my favourite season of the year!!!! Christmas!!!! (And this is the part where Soulsicle will say "Dear, Christmas is not a season." And my reply would be "It is so cos every year it happens on the same date, never change one!") Yes I love christmas. Not that I celebrate it and all. But I love it. The feeling is just different from any other celebrations. Maybe its due to the fact that it is always a long holiday for me. Anyway, I love that there is so many sales going on, many presents to be wrapped. I mean its this time where you can buy things and get wrapped without looking so silly.
Besides that I love christmas trees. Its so nice to see the different decorated christmas tree. Soul and me are going to look for all the different christmas tree around Singapore and take the pictures. I've already taken 4 ;).
I remembered my dad took me to a Christmas party once when I was 5 yrs old. It was so fun cos I got a present. (Although I can't remember what was the present.) It was wrapped in shiny wrapping paper. and Soul went to Raffles City yesterday and we found a Barbie doll Christmas tree!!! So cute!!! The tree was decorated with different Babrbie dolls wearing different styles of costume.
And then we went to the Adidas shop and I found the boot I like at a discount price!!!!!!! SHIT! SHIT! Ok take note to those who wants to get me a Christmas present ;). The boot is black colour and my feet size 61/2, ok?
That song keeps playing in my head. What's up with that man!
Its my favourite season of the year!!!! Christmas!!!! (And this is the part where Soulsicle will say "Dear, Christmas is not a season." And my reply would be "It is so cos every year it happens on the same date, never change one!") Yes I love christmas. Not that I celebrate it and all. But I love it. The feeling is just different from any other celebrations. Maybe its due to the fact that it is always a long holiday for me. Anyway, I love that there is so many sales going on, many presents to be wrapped. I mean its this time where you can buy things and get wrapped without looking so silly.
Besides that I love christmas trees. Its so nice to see the different decorated christmas tree. Soul and me are going to look for all the different christmas tree around Singapore and take the pictures. I've already taken 4 ;).
I remembered my dad took me to a Christmas party once when I was 5 yrs old. It was so fun cos I got a present. (Although I can't remember what was the present.) It was wrapped in shiny wrapping paper. and Soul went to Raffles City yesterday and we found a Barbie doll Christmas tree!!! So cute!!! The tree was decorated with different Babrbie dolls wearing different styles of costume.

And then we went to the Adidas shop and I found the boot I like at a discount price!!!!!!! SHIT! SHIT! Ok take note to those who wants to get me a Christmas present ;). The boot is black colour and my feet size 61/2, ok?
Saturday, December 02, 2006
The Holiday Is Here!!!!
Yeah!!!!!! The December Holiday is here. It feels so good to get to wake up late everyday of the week and not have to worry bout work for at least a few more weeks. Actually it is kind of boring since there is no work to worry about. ;P Been going out everyday in the week that me and soulsicle kind of running out of idea what to do and where to go. Somehow due to my very boredom, I finaaly agreed enthusiastically (I have no idea what got into me!!) that we "take a walk at MacRitchie Reservoir". (We went to Bukit Timah last June Holiday.)
I was kind of excited actually to go up on the canopy walk and get over my fear of height. Anyway Soulsicle LOVES all this nature thingy (me I'm a city girl all the way!) so.......(the things you do for love ;P)
We made our way around 2 from home (since he got Friday afternoon prayer). Happy happy had our lunch at McDonalds and took the train to toa payoh before taking a bus there. AT this time it was already raining heavily along cck to woodlands. Kind of dampen the mood cos we thught we had to postpone the plan. But when we reach toa payoh it was sunny!
When we reach there the scenery was awsome! I forgot how much I enjoy peace and quiet and thats what I got. So much peace and quiet! Its as if life doens't exist! Excitedly we made our way up following the "forest trail". Along the way we get to see monkeys and squirrels!!!! (Me and my childish excitment seing the animals). But halfway up I begin to feel my leg muscles complaining. And I just realise that we have to come down again later. Man, I have no idea what I'm actually putting myself in....... anyway, we didn't get to go for the canopy walk cos by the time we reached the top it was already 4.56 and we are not suppose to enter after 4.45. Silly me never check out the time earlier! So with aching muscles we made our way down back to the hman world.
I had trouble sleeping the night because of all the aching muscles but already made up my mind to do these more often. So another day planned for next week to head up to MacRitchie Reservoir early in the morning ;)
I was kind of excited actually to go up on the canopy walk and get over my fear of height. Anyway Soulsicle LOVES all this nature thingy (me I'm a city girl all the way!) so.......(the things you do for love ;P)
We made our way around 2 from home (since he got Friday afternoon prayer). Happy happy had our lunch at McDonalds and took the train to toa payoh before taking a bus there. AT this time it was already raining heavily along cck to woodlands. Kind of dampen the mood cos we thught we had to postpone the plan. But when we reach toa payoh it was sunny!
When we reach there the scenery was awsome! I forgot how much I enjoy peace and quiet and thats what I got. So much peace and quiet! Its as if life doens't exist! Excitedly we made our way up following the "forest trail". Along the way we get to see monkeys and squirrels!!!! (Me and my childish excitment seing the animals). But halfway up I begin to feel my leg muscles complaining. And I just realise that we have to come down again later. Man, I have no idea what I'm actually putting myself in....... anyway, we didn't get to go for the canopy walk cos by the time we reached the top it was already 4.56 and we are not suppose to enter after 4.45. Silly me never check out the time earlier! So with aching muscles we made our way down back to the hman world.
I had trouble sleeping the night because of all the aching muscles but already made up my mind to do these more often. So another day planned for next week to head up to MacRitchie Reservoir early in the morning ;)