Sunday, January 14, 2007


Been haunted by weird dreams for the past few days. Its making me cranky during the days. Wats up with that???!!!

The first week was hectic. Hadn't got the chance to think bout Uncle Rosli until the weekends. Soul said its a good sign cos then it means I'm focusing on my work and letting him go slowly. But when given a chance to dwell, it hits hard and straight.

Making things worse, just receive a news that someone I knew, was told after a check up she has cancer. Not sure how to react to the news at first. Even while she was telling me about the check up and everything else, my mind went berserk. How could a nice person like her get it??!! How come its someone I know??!!! Not sure what else to expect and it is only the begining of the year.

And wats more, somehow this song keeps banging in my head:
Life’s a show and we all play a part
And when the music starts,We open up our hearts
It’s all right if some things come out wrong.
We’ll sing a happy song
And you can sing along.
Where’s there’s life,
There’s hope.
Everyday’s A gift.
Wishes can Come true.
Whistle while You work.
So hard All day.

To be like other girls
To fit in in this glittering world.
Don’t give me songs.
Don’t give me songs.
Give me something to sing about.
I need something to sing about.

Life’s a song
You don’t get to rehearse.
And every single verse
Can make it that much worse.

Still my friends
Don’t know why I ignore
The million things or moreI should be dancing for.
All the joyLife sends.
FamilyAnd friends.
All the twists
And bends
Knowing that
It ends.
Well thatDepends…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no matter waht dreams you may have i want you to know that i ma here for you. to give my love and a listening ear for your problems. a shoulder to cry on and a touch of comfort.

love you babe...