Its been one crazy weekend. Just got our pay and the GST money, we suddenly found ourselves loaded. Hahahahaha....that was before we paid our bills and set aside certain amount into our saving ;)
I can't remember how it started but we were so adamant to get the PINK PSP. SO we head out to Sim Lim on Sat to look around for cheap prices. Can you believ it, that there is actually many versions to various price range!!! There is some that can download from the internet, there is others that can upgrade and downgrade lah. I can't believe its so difficult. Why can't they just have one PSP version!!!! So leceh. We finally came to a ALL ladies shop selling PSP. This girl she explains to me the different versions, the different downloads, the different softwares lah, which actually make sense after awhile.
After debating for 15 minutes standing by the escalator, going through all the pros and cons of getting the PSP, and whether we will have enough money for the rest of the month, we finally decided to get the PINK PSP. I can't believe the hassle and everything.
Both me and Soul were so excited. We got the ladies to download some games for us on spot so we can play the games immediatly. Unfortunately, they don't have the game I sooo want. Haiii......anyway, soul and I can't seem to put the bloody PSP down. Its so addictive man!!! SO finally Soul won't feel so bored going home in the rain anymore ;)

Me & my PINK PSP

Soul so engrossed in the game!!!
1 comment:
happy ah PSP!
haha i was stuck on my sis's PSP for a period too man
now The Boyf & I can't get wait to get the PS3
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