Its so sad when a young life is taken. When there is so much that still needs to be done, so many things still to be seen. Its sad the way you just leave us, its not fair, but that's how life is. You've moved some people's life, yet you couldn't find the settlement in your own. Where did it all go wrong? Was it hard being in your shoes? Was it that lonely? Did you know it would come to this? We'll never know would we......
As the world mourn the loss of a 'star', ur family mourns much more. They mourn for a son, a brother and a father. Life will go on and we'll slowly, but surely, move on. Another star will be born everyday.
May you rest in peace, the peace you have always been looking for. And may your memories live on, in the hearts of people you love, and the people who loves you........
In Loving Memory
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger
4 April 1979 - 22 January 2008