Sunday 1st June 2008 an unforgetable day. I think it is one of my most exhilirating, stress-fun day I've ever had.
Ok backtrack.........
My sis who has been actively involved in cheerleading since the age of 17 (I think) was asked to judge a cheerleading competition organized by the Singapore Kindness movement. She has always wanted cheerleading to be a part in special schools, she thus approach my P to invite us to perform for the competition. My P agrees and thus I was roped in. We started picking the pupils in Feb and had intensive trainig twice a week since after the March Hols. My P got sponsors to sponsor our uniform and shoes!!!! How cool is that!!!
Ok this is the first time for me to organise a public performance. (I myself have never perform publicly ;P) Seriously, exhilirating!!!!
The day arrived: 1st worry - will all the performers be on time?? 2nd worry - will we have time to practice??? 3rd worry - will the performers look good enough??? 4th worry - willthe bus driver remember to come?? 5th worry - will the performance be good enough and not laugh at??? 7th worry - what did I get myself in to!!!!!
Manage to get to Taka on time. The kids were all buzzing with excitement. I think for most of them, this is the first time they are performing for the publics. The crowds were all around us. Believe it or not I'm the one who is nervous for them.
Time chek - 5:30 let them have their early dinner. 6:15 we have 3 mins to practice on the blue mat. 6:17 "Ok time for you to go." "Wait we are not finish yet. Give us abit more time please!!!" "No, its time for you to perform." "Wait, what??? Our performance is at 7pm." "No your performance is now cos we finish all the competition already." "!!!!?????" "OK guys lets go!!"
MC announce "Ladies and gentlement from Lee Kong Chian Gardens School - The Mighty Giants!!!!" And they were off. The crowds were awesomely cheering for the kids. The kids were so excited and pumped up by the crowds.
Wooohooooo it was sooo cool. I think it was really great to see how supportive the publics were. They were even clapping together to our music. The kids were so enjoying the moments, basking in all the attentions that they forget to line up in a row and bow. No time to panic, just time to get them all out.
Brought them back to our place. Got swarmed by th parents who had come to see the show. Pictures taking. Relax. Heard our name got call again. Time to collect trophies and awards ;)
Picture taking again. Ok time to go home!! Time for me to breathe least until our next show at vivocity on 19/7 ;)

The Boyz

The Gerls

Performing our dance

Picture takings!!!

My Mighty Giants!!!!
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