Ya Allah,
My prayers for 2013 will be:
1. Let me give birth to my second princess safely with less pain.
2. Let me always be close to you and never waiver from my faith in you. Give me the strength I need to be a good mother, a good wife and a good daughter/daughter-in-law.
3. Let my darling daughters be healthy and fit. Let them know only joys and laughters, and take away their pains and hurts.
4. Give my hubby the strength he needs to be a good father, a good husband and a good son/son-in-law. Give him the strength and health always, as he is, and will be providing for the family.
5. Please let the journey of our marriage be smooth, but if we were have to go through obstacles, give us the strength and show us the right way to solve it.
6. Keep my families (including uncles, aunties, cuzzies, gramps, in-laws)) and love ones (including friends / colleagues) safe as always. Provide them with all the things that they need and show them the way to work hard for the things that they want. Give them the strength to go through the life that you have planned for them and let them not waiver form their faith in you.
7. For the people that has had a miserable 2012, give them the strength and courage to face 2013 with optimism. Let them find the peace and salvation they need to get on with life. Give them more joy and laughters to take away their pains.
8. In the end, let there be more peace to the world, so the future generations have something to be grateful for!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Are our children spoil because........
Are our children spoilt because of the many choices they are given to decide or because of parents who gave them the many choices?
Once upon a time, I used to tell myself, "I will not spoil my children!" But now as a parent, I have trouble trying to decide whether the decisions I make, to give in or not, to baby girl, will make her a spoilt child. Hubby and I debate about this at times. To me, decisions should be made by us parents as we are the adults. Hubby however feels that children have the right to make their own decisions and choices. I agree but only decisions and choices to minor things and not to major things in life!
In my years as an educator, as an adult, I have seen my shares of spoilt and pampered children. They also varied at ages. I used to think that a crying child is a spoilt child. A child given everything he/she wants is a spoilt child. Let me explain why I thought that way.
Growing up as the eldest in a not so rich family (Dad was the sole breadwinner and not really highly educated), I was brought up with the rule, "If you want something, you have to earn or save for it." It is a rule that I believed in and I teach my students in school. Since I am also not the smartest in the family, getting what I want takes some times. In some cases, I have learnt not to want it. Maybe that is why I tend to buy what ever I want now that I am earning myself.
But I guess time has changed. Since most parents nowadays are educated, and mostly both parents are working, children these days are given a lot more compared to children my times. Also technologies have to be blamed one way or another. So again, back to my question, are our children spoil because of the many choices they are given to decide or because of parents who gave them the many choices?
Why am I questioning this is because I have seen children making decisions for their parents. It tends to boggle me because I thought as parents, we decide what is good and bad for our children. I mean we are the adults right?
In one scenario, at a simple eatery restaurant, a waiter asked a chinese family where they would like to seat. The father turned to his young son (about 10 years old) "Where do you want to seat Boi?" In my head, why do you ask a child to decide where to seat? Its not as if the chairs and tables are different. And you know what, for a family of 4, the Boi, picked a seating area for 6. The extra seats are meant for him to put up his leg while eating.
In another scenario, at a KFC eatery, a Malay mother asked her young daughter (about 9 years old), what she wants to eat. The young daughter told the mum she wants to eat the chicken with rice with the tomato sauce. However, that meal is Spicy tomato sauce (but come on! how spice can tomato sauce be?) and Mum is concerned that daughter could not handle spicy. Now in my heart, this sparks my first questions to many, at that age daughter still don't know how to eat spicy? So daughter said she wants the original mushroom sauce but without the mushroom and with tomato sauce. At this point, all I could think of, better just ask the mum to cook at home! The best thing was, the mum actually asked the KFC server if they can have the meal with the original tomato sauce! I was really dumbfounded at how the mum handled that situation. I mean, come on! This is KFC! They are fast food! Everything is pre-cooked and just ready to serve! I mentally slapped my forehead and prayed that I would not end up being that silly!
I can share many more scenarios but then it will take the whole night and day to do so! I know as parents, we are encouraged to teach our children to make choices to prepare them for life. Me and hubby are guilty at starting letting Baby Gerl make choices at such an early age. However her choices are limited to watching either Toy Story or Shrek dvd. Watch either Magadascar 3 or Ice Age 4. Either you eat this or you don't eat at all. Either you picked up your toys or you don't get to watch tv. Choose to sleep with mummy and daddy or sleep with grandma and grandpa. There are times however, when she is not given a choice at all. Like no you have no choice but to sleep in your own bed. You have no choice but to go to sleep now cos Mummy is tired.
So will my daughter grow up to be spoilt? How will I be able to tell if I am making the right decisions for her and should I let her start making life's decisions at such a young age? And so the debate continues.......
Once upon a time, I used to tell myself, "I will not spoil my children!" But now as a parent, I have trouble trying to decide whether the decisions I make, to give in or not, to baby girl, will make her a spoilt child. Hubby and I debate about this at times. To me, decisions should be made by us parents as we are the adults. Hubby however feels that children have the right to make their own decisions and choices. I agree but only decisions and choices to minor things and not to major things in life!
In my years as an educator, as an adult, I have seen my shares of spoilt and pampered children. They also varied at ages. I used to think that a crying child is a spoilt child. A child given everything he/she wants is a spoilt child. Let me explain why I thought that way.
Growing up as the eldest in a not so rich family (Dad was the sole breadwinner and not really highly educated), I was brought up with the rule, "If you want something, you have to earn or save for it." It is a rule that I believed in and I teach my students in school. Since I am also not the smartest in the family, getting what I want takes some times. In some cases, I have learnt not to want it. Maybe that is why I tend to buy what ever I want now that I am earning myself.
But I guess time has changed. Since most parents nowadays are educated, and mostly both parents are working, children these days are given a lot more compared to children my times. Also technologies have to be blamed one way or another. So again, back to my question, are our children spoil because of the many choices they are given to decide or because of parents who gave them the many choices?
Why am I questioning this is because I have seen children making decisions for their parents. It tends to boggle me because I thought as parents, we decide what is good and bad for our children. I mean we are the adults right?
In one scenario, at a simple eatery restaurant, a waiter asked a chinese family where they would like to seat. The father turned to his young son (about 10 years old) "Where do you want to seat Boi?" In my head, why do you ask a child to decide where to seat? Its not as if the chairs and tables are different. And you know what, for a family of 4, the Boi, picked a seating area for 6. The extra seats are meant for him to put up his leg while eating.
In another scenario, at a KFC eatery, a Malay mother asked her young daughter (about 9 years old), what she wants to eat. The young daughter told the mum she wants to eat the chicken with rice with the tomato sauce. However, that meal is Spicy tomato sauce (but come on! how spice can tomato sauce be?) and Mum is concerned that daughter could not handle spicy. Now in my heart, this sparks my first questions to many, at that age daughter still don't know how to eat spicy? So daughter said she wants the original mushroom sauce but without the mushroom and with tomato sauce. At this point, all I could think of, better just ask the mum to cook at home! The best thing was, the mum actually asked the KFC server if they can have the meal with the original tomato sauce! I was really dumbfounded at how the mum handled that situation. I mean, come on! This is KFC! They are fast food! Everything is pre-cooked and just ready to serve! I mentally slapped my forehead and prayed that I would not end up being that silly!
I can share many more scenarios but then it will take the whole night and day to do so! I know as parents, we are encouraged to teach our children to make choices to prepare them for life. Me and hubby are guilty at starting letting Baby Gerl make choices at such an early age. However her choices are limited to watching either Toy Story or Shrek dvd. Watch either Magadascar 3 or Ice Age 4. Either you eat this or you don't eat at all. Either you picked up your toys or you don't get to watch tv. Choose to sleep with mummy and daddy or sleep with grandma and grandpa. There are times however, when she is not given a choice at all. Like no you have no choice but to sleep in your own bed. You have no choice but to go to sleep now cos Mummy is tired.
So will my daughter grow up to be spoilt? How will I be able to tell if I am making the right decisions for her and should I let her start making life's decisions at such a young age? And so the debate continues.......
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Apple & ME
I guess I am very easily influence. So much for being strong headed.
Hubby finally convinced me to get Mcbook so here I am blogging on my new mcbook pro all dressed in pink!
Here is Baby Mc laptop bag ;) Crumpler of cos!
Of cos my keyboard has to be pink! What else right? Still cannot figure out where my obsess for PINKs come from.....

Baby Mc still needs alot of get used to. Oh yes, I have named it Baby Mc cos hubby's is Daddy's Mc. Hahahahaha! The apps are all very interesting but I still cannot get my calendar and contacts to sync from my IPAD. So I am still trying to figure out alot of the things in it. I like that I know how to use the iPhoto and movie for my teaching resources. Its more of the personal thingy that I need to work on......
Hubby finally convinced me to get Mcbook so here I am blogging on my new mcbook pro all dressed in pink!

Of cos my keyboard has to be pink! What else right? Still cannot figure out where my obsess for PINKs come from.....

Baby Mc still needs alot of get used to. Oh yes, I have named it Baby Mc cos hubby's is Daddy's Mc. Hahahahaha! The apps are all very interesting but I still cannot get my calendar and contacts to sync from my IPAD. So I am still trying to figure out alot of the things in it. I like that I know how to use the iPhoto and movie for my teaching resources. Its more of the personal thingy that I need to work on......
Monday, July 02, 2012
Been Awhile
It has been awhile since I last wrote. Not sure why but I was having a bit of problem with this blog so in the end I gave up. However, reading other people's blog made me missed writing down my thoughts. I started writing down in the journal, but that is only for my uttermost innermost feeling.
So here I am again.....
The year 2012 started out with new adventures. I have finally moved to WGS. Adapting to the school and environment was so easy surprisingly! Everyone was so warm and friendly. I do missed LGS but more of the comfort that I know people know who I am there. In the new place, I am still trying to put down my foot and build my profile. The work seems to be easier in a sense. I know how everything goes even though I am new. I guess because the system is there and it has worked for many years.
Now coming to the middle of the year, workload seems to be getting more but despite that I had a wonderful June holiday. I had fun doing lots of things and just spending time with Baby Gerl. Me and Soul had the whole Jun holiday planned all around her. We can't wait for december.......
So here I am again.....
The year 2012 started out with new adventures. I have finally moved to WGS. Adapting to the school and environment was so easy surprisingly! Everyone was so warm and friendly. I do missed LGS but more of the comfort that I know people know who I am there. In the new place, I am still trying to put down my foot and build my profile. The work seems to be easier in a sense. I know how everything goes even though I am new. I guess because the system is there and it has worked for many years.
Now coming to the middle of the year, workload seems to be getting more but despite that I had a wonderful June holiday. I had fun doing lots of things and just spending time with Baby Gerl. Me and Soul had the whole Jun holiday planned all around her. We can't wait for december.......