Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Keep having surprises this whole week. Ok lah only 2 actually:

Firstly, my engagement ring's diamond came off and disappeared!!! Very sad!!! Boohhoo!!! Don't even know where it happen. Had gone to sent it at Lee Hwa Jewellery at Wisma (very nice!!! I like!!!). They were very professional and I felt so important! Wahahahaha!!! But now they have to send it for an investigation and will only get back to us in 2 weeks time. Then if I want to replace it I have to wait anothe month or so. Hai...... I think I should get another ring ho! ;(

Another surprise, got a call from Amoi (WeiJing). (Ahui if you are reading this, please be warned that she already sent your invitation!) She got married (ROM) in July and will be holding her dinner this Nov. Yahhoooo!!! So happy for her cos she and the hubby(now can call him that) has been together like forever!! Finally they got married man! She got a house in Yew Tee. Yeah!! Got another kaki living near. Now maybe we can meet up more often. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahui: i was there...but i didnt see you there.... how come??