I don't understand how last time mothers can have so many kids! Here I am with only 2 beautiful girls and I am almost going mad!
It has not been an easy week. Granny has been hospitalised and was in a bad way. Alhamdulilah, she is recovering well. Mum has been travelling to and fro almost everyday to the hospital. I am left alone at home to look after the kids since it is not advisable to bring them to the hospital. Baby gerl then started to fall sick. But also recovering well. Now mum is sick and I am again on my own with my 2 girls.
I love my girls very much but Little gerl is driving me nuts! She is forever climbing onto the dining table, windows, side table.......and although I do encourage free playing, climbing onto the tables and pouring water, or playing with the telephone is just not the things to do! At the same time, baby gerl is now becoming more alert and not does not fall asleep easily. She wants to latch on more or have someone entertain her, which has not been easy cos her sister keeps making me run after her!
I am begining to feel so stressed up staying at home! But at the same time, I don't have the heart to go out and leave them at home! HELP!!!
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