Damn we are hours away to the new year....
I am soooo not ready for this. I have not prepared for anything for school!!! Hai.... Time to reflect what happened this year and yet I just can't bring myself to do it.
I'll miss what I've lost but I'll look forward to more things going to happen. Marriage and divorce I've accepted as part of life and its bound to happen sooner or later. Friendship forever means only be kept in the heart.
Resolutions have been made. I hope I'll be able to keep it.....
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
One Week Left
Oh man! Where did the time go??? Can you believe it?? We are left with only 1 more week before the new year!!!!AAAahhhhh!!!! 2008!!! Yikes!!!! School is going to start soon!! Boohooo I'm not done with my holidays yet!!!
On another note, me & Soul has been slacking around like mad. We so did enjoy our hols!!! Went to The Cathay today to catch Nicholas Cage in action in National Treasure part 2. It was quite an exciting movie and especially very puzzley. We loved Alvin & The chipmunk which we caught a week ago. They are soooo cute. I am so in love with their voice. Hahahahhaa. Wish I could keep them. But right now I am very happy taking care of my pet hamster. Next one we would love to catch is I am Legend. Honestly I am not a fan of zombies/alien kind of movie but I Looovvee Will Smith. He is just soooo cooolll!!!
Spent my bonus like mad man!! (Of cos already put aside a sum for the wedding.) People keep nagging us not to spent so much and save more but helllooo!! Its our hard earn money! If we don't spend it now when then?? Anyway no mattewr how much we save it will never be enough! So I bought my adidas shoes yeah!!!

Cool right my shoes!!! We also upgraded our PSP so now can play my Sims 2-Castaway. Cannot put it down I am sooo hooked! Also finally got my V9!!!! Hahahaha sooo happy!! Free somemore, courtesy of my godpa!!!

Wahahahaha...my christmas wishes has been coming through!!!!
Oh ya! A shout out to Rach & Isk for their big day!!! Finally!!! Hahahhaha ;)
On another note, me & Soul has been slacking around like mad. We so did enjoy our hols!!! Went to The Cathay today to catch Nicholas Cage in action in National Treasure part 2. It was quite an exciting movie and especially very puzzley. We loved Alvin & The chipmunk which we caught a week ago. They are soooo cute. I am so in love with their voice. Hahahahhaa. Wish I could keep them. But right now I am very happy taking care of my pet hamster. Next one we would love to catch is I am Legend. Honestly I am not a fan of zombies/alien kind of movie but I Looovvee Will Smith. He is just soooo cooolll!!!
Spent my bonus like mad man!! (Of cos already put aside a sum for the wedding.) People keep nagging us not to spent so much and save more but helllooo!! Its our hard earn money! If we don't spend it now when then?? Anyway no mattewr how much we save it will never be enough! So I bought my adidas shoes yeah!!!
Cool right my shoes!!! We also upgraded our PSP so now can play my Sims 2-Castaway. Cannot put it down I am sooo hooked! Also finally got my V9!!!! Hahahaha sooo happy!! Free somemore, courtesy of my godpa!!!
Wahahahaha...my christmas wishes has been coming through!!!!
Oh ya! A shout out to Rach & Isk for their big day!!! Finally!!! Hahahhaha ;)
Friday, December 14, 2007
A Blast from the Past???
Saw something that affected me terribly and no matter how hard I tried to push it away from my mind, it just keep coming back, haunting.....
Whenever you thought you get over it, you realise you will never get over it again. AM i making sense?? Cos I can't seem to make sense of myself.
Life is full of regrets. You can never turn back the time. You can never make things right again. No matter how life seems to move on, seems to be normal again, there is a small part that will always remember what you've lost, what you should had done but you didn't.
Among the feelings of happiness, the tears still threaten to fall.
Whenever you thought you get over it, you realise you will never get over it again. AM i making sense?? Cos I can't seem to make sense of myself.
Life is full of regrets. You can never turn back the time. You can never make things right again. No matter how life seems to move on, seems to be normal again, there is a small part that will always remember what you've lost, what you should had done but you didn't.
Among the feelings of happiness, the tears still threaten to fall.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Yeayyy Sentosa!!!
Can you believe it, I was just complaining that day regarding the weather and yesterday the sun came out to play!!!! Had a blast at Sentosa with Soul and my bro. Woke up to a bright sunshiny morning. We quickly gamble to head out to Sentosa. Mind you the last time we woke up to a shiny morn, it rained when we reach Sentosa. But thank god, the sun manage to stay out for quite some time. There was only a short drizzle while we were there. Soul sooo enjoyed himself cos he was able to do his flips, which he hadn't done for sooo long!! So cute!!
Posing with my new shades
Soul doing his flips
Check out the sexy but
All mine!
Today we went for our daily run. Ok lah its not an everyday thingy but we've been doing it at least 2/3 times a week eversince the school hols starts. Trying very hard to keep ourselves fit hehehehe.... We've been running aroubd my neighbourhood, changing the route everytime. In fact we've been doing it really good cos our timing remain the same even though we've been taking a different and longer route everytime. Yeay!!! Only today I think we went a bit faster than I intended and the route is definately long (Soul estimated 3Km) i started having difficulty in breathing at the end of the run. (Had not had it for like since sec sch when I was really running while training for sports event) Luckily Soul did not panic cos I definately was!! It was damn scary siak and for the first time in my life I thought I saw Death. Even though Soul ask if I want to sit down for awhile, I refused to. I feared if I did I would just collapse and damn if I were to collapse in public. Seriously must try the route again......
Today we went for our daily run. Ok lah its not an everyday thingy but we've been doing it at least 2/3 times a week eversince the school hols starts. Trying very hard to keep ourselves fit hehehehe.... We've been running aroubd my neighbourhood, changing the route everytime. In fact we've been doing it really good cos our timing remain the same even though we've been taking a different and longer route everytime. Yeay!!! Only today I think we went a bit faster than I intended and the route is definately long (Soul estimated 3Km) i started having difficulty in breathing at the end of the run. (Had not had it for like since sec sch when I was really running while training for sports event) Luckily Soul did not panic cos I definately was!! It was damn scary siak and for the first time in my life I thought I saw Death. Even though Soul ask if I want to sit down for awhile, I refused to. I feared if I did I would just collapse and damn if I were to collapse in public. Seriously must try the route again......
Monday, December 10, 2007
Motorola V9
Booo hooo....
Been going all around town today to look for my Motorola V9 in Mahagony colour but it seems that they have not produce it yet for selling, only the dummy phones for show and I ssooo want it!! Bcos I couldn't get the phone all my shopping mood gone. Nothing seems to caught my eye!!!!
Whats more due to the weather me and Soul can't spend the days at Sentosa!!!! Hai... we've been to all the shopping centres and we are sooo getting bored. I've even made it a hobby for us to collect/take pictures of 25 decorated Chrismas trees all around Singapore just to keep ourselves entertain.
We went to watch 'The Golden Compass' and it was packed!!! The show was a bit dregy cos there were lots of talks and talkings bout things you won't understand unless you read bout it. But the fightings were cool and the animals are soo cute and Nicole Kidman is just drop dead gorgeous plus excellent acting!!! Wouldn't it be cool if we really have a daemon in real life??!!!
Been going all around town today to look for my Motorola V9 in Mahagony colour but it seems that they have not produce it yet for selling, only the dummy phones for show and I ssooo want it!! Bcos I couldn't get the phone all my shopping mood gone. Nothing seems to caught my eye!!!!
Whats more due to the weather me and Soul can't spend the days at Sentosa!!!! Hai... we've been to all the shopping centres and we are sooo getting bored. I've even made it a hobby for us to collect/take pictures of 25 decorated Chrismas trees all around Singapore just to keep ourselves entertain.
We went to watch 'The Golden Compass' and it was packed!!! The show was a bit dregy cos there were lots of talks and talkings bout things you won't understand unless you read bout it. But the fightings were cool and the animals are soo cute and Nicole Kidman is just drop dead gorgeous plus excellent acting!!! Wouldn't it be cool if we really have a daemon in real life??!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Been Gone for awhile
Ok sorry for being missing for awhile. Well now I'm back!!!
Where do I start?? Hmmmmm so much to update....
Ok lets start with school. Its the school holiday and we are having our one month hols!!! Yeah!!!! Before that there was too much chaos in school cos we got our class placement for next year. There was a lot of unhappiness around the school for that day. Too many disagreements and too much tears. Ok enough talking bout others.
I will be missing my senior level whom I've been working soo hard for the past 2 years buiding them up, becos I will be teaching in a Junior level class. My pupils will be age from 10 to 12 (I think!) Boo hooo this holiday already missing my kids. Not only will I be missing my class but I'll be missing my whole morning admirers (whos been admiring me/my sense of fashion every morn) cos I will be going to the afternoon session. Boo Hooo no more lunching with friends or shopping after school. Consolation: Soul is also in the afternoon session!!! Yeah we plan to have breakfast date before school ;) Of cos not only him lah, got lots of other yummy peeps who is gonna keep me company like; Kaiyah, Kak Ratna, Chris, Joy, Kak Su, Neeta and many more. Actually after the whole day of crying I began to see the positive side of it and actually kind of looking forward to the new class. Ok lah all this positive feeling happen also because I went to see my P and ask hime why I was taken out from the Senior Level. Got positive answers from him so happy loh!
Ok another story: went to ST James last Fri with Neeta adn Kak Su and partners. Was looking forward to a nice time of just dancing and chilling. Met up at 10 and head out together. There was many rooms try out but the one room we want to go is the one room that we were not allowed. Can you believe it, the BITCH Door said we were not executive enough. EXECUTIVE MY ASS!!! We were all dressed nice ok and the guys were in shirts and shoes unlike some of the APEKS she let in. Come on lah, how could you judge what they work as by their attires or looks!! Stupid BITCH!!! We finally realise and found out that she is actually racist...to her own skin colour people!!!! She actually only allows the CHINESE in and not MALAYS or dark skin colours!! FUCKED UP rite?!! AND the room we are talking about is THE BOILER ROOM which features Soul and R&B songs. ANd the acts are performed by a group of MALAYS. Anyway if you people are interested to check out the BITCH, she is actually BIG & FAT!! So frustrating and upset!!!
Moving on: Me and Soul are enjoying our hols. We just got paid and SOUL pampered me by getting me a new PINK Bikini!!! I LIKE!!!! It is really awsome!!! Hmmmm maybe I will take a pic of it and post it up ya. We are trying VERY VERY VERY hard not to spent so much but how could we??? Its Christmas season and there is so many sales!!!! AARrRRRGGHhhhh!!!!! We are planning to go Karaoke with Khairizal this sat so it looks like I will be sitting at home for the next 2 days ;(
Where do I start?? Hmmmmm so much to update....
Ok lets start with school. Its the school holiday and we are having our one month hols!!! Yeah!!!! Before that there was too much chaos in school cos we got our class placement for next year. There was a lot of unhappiness around the school for that day. Too many disagreements and too much tears. Ok enough talking bout others.
I will be missing my senior level whom I've been working soo hard for the past 2 years buiding them up, becos I will be teaching in a Junior level class. My pupils will be age from 10 to 12 (I think!) Boo hooo this holiday already missing my kids. Not only will I be missing my class but I'll be missing my whole morning admirers (whos been admiring me/my sense of fashion every morn) cos I will be going to the afternoon session. Boo Hooo no more lunching with friends or shopping after school. Consolation: Soul is also in the afternoon session!!! Yeah we plan to have breakfast date before school ;) Of cos not only him lah, got lots of other yummy peeps who is gonna keep me company like; Kaiyah, Kak Ratna, Chris, Joy, Kak Su, Neeta and many more. Actually after the whole day of crying I began to see the positive side of it and actually kind of looking forward to the new class. Ok lah all this positive feeling happen also because I went to see my P and ask hime why I was taken out from the Senior Level. Got positive answers from him so happy loh!
Ok another story: went to ST James last Fri with Neeta adn Kak Su and partners. Was looking forward to a nice time of just dancing and chilling. Met up at 10 and head out together. There was many rooms try out but the one room we want to go is the one room that we were not allowed. Can you believe it, the BITCH Door said we were not executive enough. EXECUTIVE MY ASS!!! We were all dressed nice ok and the guys were in shirts and shoes unlike some of the APEKS she let in. Come on lah, how could you judge what they work as by their attires or looks!! Stupid BITCH!!! We finally realise and found out that she is actually racist...to her own skin colour people!!!! She actually only allows the CHINESE in and not MALAYS or dark skin colours!! FUCKED UP rite?!! AND the room we are talking about is THE BOILER ROOM which features Soul and R&B songs. ANd the acts are performed by a group of MALAYS. Anyway if you people are interested to check out the BITCH, she is actually BIG & FAT!! So frustrating and upset!!!
Moving on: Me and Soul are enjoying our hols. We just got paid and SOUL pampered me by getting me a new PINK Bikini!!! I LIKE!!!! It is really awsome!!! Hmmmm maybe I will take a pic of it and post it up ya. We are trying VERY VERY VERY hard not to spent so much but how could we??? Its Christmas season and there is so many sales!!!! AARrRRRGGHhhhh!!!!! We are planning to go Karaoke with Khairizal this sat so it looks like I will be sitting at home for the next 2 days ;(
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
Prefect's Camp
We had a camp for all the prefect's in school last weekend. It was so relaxing cos we didn't have much things to do. Most of the prefects are very independent so we only need to make sure they keep tracks of their things.
But it was quite horrible for me cos I was sick. Booo hooo. Was trying very hard to keep my spirits up for the kids. We broght them to watch the movie, 'The Game Plan' (which was sooo cute, I think I'm in love with the Rock.) and then we had lunch at Seoul Garden (my favourite!!). Everything was paid for!!! Tak ke best!
We actually planned to go clubbing again with Neeta, Farhan and Kak Sue but I was sooo cannot make it!! Got back home and just flat out till the next day. Caught the fever the whole day (luckily was at home!) so I just lie around the whole day. Weak like mad siak!!

But it was quite horrible for me cos I was sick. Booo hooo. Was trying very hard to keep my spirits up for the kids. We broght them to watch the movie, 'The Game Plan' (which was sooo cute, I think I'm in love with the Rock.) and then we had lunch at Seoul Garden (my favourite!!). Everything was paid for!!! Tak ke best!
We actually planned to go clubbing again with Neeta, Farhan and Kak Sue but I was sooo cannot make it!! Got back home and just flat out till the next day. Caught the fever the whole day (luckily was at home!) so I just lie around the whole day. Weak like mad siak!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Keep having surprises this whole week. Ok lah only 2 actually:
Firstly, my engagement ring's diamond came off and disappeared!!! Very sad!!! Boohhoo!!! Don't even know where it happen. Had gone to sent it at Lee Hwa Jewellery at Wisma (very nice!!! I like!!!). They were very professional and I felt so important! Wahahahaha!!! But now they have to send it for an investigation and will only get back to us in 2 weeks time. Then if I want to replace it I have to wait anothe month or so. Hai...... I think I should get another ring ho! ;(
Another surprise, got a call from Amoi (WeiJing). (Ahui if you are reading this, please be warned that she already sent your invitation!) She got married (ROM) in July and will be holding her dinner this Nov. Yahhoooo!!! So happy for her cos she and the hubby(now can call him that) has been together like forever!! Finally they got married man! She got a house in Yew Tee. Yeah!! Got another kaki living near. Now maybe we can meet up more often. ;)
Firstly, my engagement ring's diamond came off and disappeared!!! Very sad!!! Boohhoo!!! Don't even know where it happen. Had gone to sent it at Lee Hwa Jewellery at Wisma (very nice!!! I like!!!). They were very professional and I felt so important! Wahahahaha!!! But now they have to send it for an investigation and will only get back to us in 2 weeks time. Then if I want to replace it I have to wait anothe month or so. Hai...... I think I should get another ring ho! ;(
Another surprise, got a call from Amoi (WeiJing). (Ahui if you are reading this, please be warned that she already sent your invitation!) She got married (ROM) in July and will be holding her dinner this Nov. Yahhoooo!!! So happy for her cos she and the hubby(now can call him that) has been together like forever!! Finally they got married man! She got a house in Yew Tee. Yeah!! Got another kaki living near. Now maybe we can meet up more often. ;)
Friday, October 26, 2007
When You Love Someone
~ When you love someone, there's a pattern to the way you come together. You might not even realise it, but your body are choreographed: a touch on the hip, a stroke of the hair,a staccato kiss, break away, a longer one, his hand slipping under your shirt. Its routine, but not in a boring sense of the word. Its just the way you've learned to fit, and its why when you've been with one guy for a long time, your teeth do not scrape together when you kiss; you do not bump noses or elbows. ~
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Weekend fikend
Wooohooo what a weekend we had!!
Friday night D&D: Soul had been damn excited bout this cos it is his first D&D. The theme was Mad Hatters and it was damn fun siak. All because the MC was very funny and sporting. The food wasn't that vavavoom but the company was great. Then we head out to Brix afterwards. It was the first time me & Soul went clubbing together! Can you believe it?? We've been together for 2 years and this was our first time!!! That just shows how boring I've gotten to be. Anyway we had a blast with the company we in.
Getting ready for the night
Neeta, Sue & Me
Razak, Ed & Soul
Neeta, Me & Farhan @ Brix
The Boyz
The Gerlz
A good night with great company of friends
Saturday went out with Khairizal. The whole day we did nothing but just chill and eat. So fun!!! We talked about life, friends, popularity and family. There is only a handful of people in my life right now that is worth my time. They are the only people I can open up to without worrying what they think of me. Its just funny how fates work!! Anyhow, we had a blast cos after that we went Karaokeing at Appolo Centre. Must do this more often man!!
@ McD just chilling
~ Ask a random kid today if she wants to be popular and she'll tell you No, even if the truth is that, if she was in a desert dying of thirst and had the chance between a glass of water and instant popularity, she'd probably choose the latter. See you can't admit to wanting it because that makes you less cool. To be truly popular, it has to look like its something you ARE, when in reality, its what you make yourself.~
Friday night D&D: Soul had been damn excited bout this cos it is his first D&D. The theme was Mad Hatters and it was damn fun siak. All because the MC was very funny and sporting. The food wasn't that vavavoom but the company was great. Then we head out to Brix afterwards. It was the first time me & Soul went clubbing together! Can you believe it?? We've been together for 2 years and this was our first time!!! That just shows how boring I've gotten to be. Anyway we had a blast with the company we in.
Neeta, Me & Farhan @ Brix
A good night with great company of friends
Saturday went out with Khairizal. The whole day we did nothing but just chill and eat. So fun!!! We talked about life, friends, popularity and family. There is only a handful of people in my life right now that is worth my time. They are the only people I can open up to without worrying what they think of me. Its just funny how fates work!! Anyhow, we had a blast cos after that we went Karaokeing at Appolo Centre. Must do this more often man!!
~ Ask a random kid today if she wants to be popular and she'll tell you No, even if the truth is that, if she was in a desert dying of thirst and had the chance between a glass of water and instant popularity, she'd probably choose the latter. See you can't admit to wanting it because that makes you less cool. To be truly popular, it has to look like its something you ARE, when in reality, its what you make yourself.~
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Post Hari Raya
Everyone seems to be blogging bout Hari Raya and it seems like I've got nothing special to write. Hmmmm whats up with that!!
This year Hari Raya nothing special lah. Only everyone keeps asking me how come I never bring Soul along for the visits and my excuse; "Don't want to show off yet!"
Hahahaha but next year die die have to go with him to visit his relative cos his mum already asked me this year but I was still reluctant to go. Haii.... that's why we decided (1 year before!) that next year we are going to get the same colour Hari Raya costume so can match ;)
Anyway moving on, been reading this book title Nineteen minutes by Jodi Picoult. This author is one of my favourites but my sis says this author very sadists cos all her books are always with a sad ending, with someone surely die one! But somehow I got drawn to her books, cos I feel that the emotions are raw and real. I can relate to the stories somehow and feel that the stories are always close to real life although it is a fiction. For you guys who wants to try, you should start with 'My Sister's Keeper' or 'The Pact'. OK be warned this book is for serious reading!! (I tried to look in the library for any 1 of these books and they are always on loan, so I have to reserve which I waited for 1 1/2 months before I got it.)
This latest one is about how this small community in America handled the after effect of a boy shooting 10 of his peers in his school. Very real man!
"Picoult writes with a fine touch, a sharp eye for detail, and a firm grasp of the delicacy and complexity of human relationships." - The Boston Globe
Ok for the next few posts I'm gonna write down some excerpts I got from this book that I find the words very touching and meaningful.
Like this one - "The death of a loved one can shake us to our foundation. When the person is so young and so full of potential and skills, the feelings of grief and loss can be even more overwhelming. At times such as this, we turn to our friends and family for support, for a shoulder to cry on and for someone to walk that road of pain and anguish with us."
This year Hari Raya nothing special lah. Only everyone keeps asking me how come I never bring Soul along for the visits and my excuse; "Don't want to show off yet!"
Hahahaha but next year die die have to go with him to visit his relative cos his mum already asked me this year but I was still reluctant to go. Haii.... that's why we decided (1 year before!) that next year we are going to get the same colour Hari Raya costume so can match ;)
Anyway moving on, been reading this book title Nineteen minutes by Jodi Picoult. This author is one of my favourites but my sis says this author very sadists cos all her books are always with a sad ending, with someone surely die one! But somehow I got drawn to her books, cos I feel that the emotions are raw and real. I can relate to the stories somehow and feel that the stories are always close to real life although it is a fiction. For you guys who wants to try, you should start with 'My Sister's Keeper' or 'The Pact'. OK be warned this book is for serious reading!! (I tried to look in the library for any 1 of these books and they are always on loan, so I have to reserve which I waited for 1 1/2 months before I got it.)
This latest one is about how this small community in America handled the after effect of a boy shooting 10 of his peers in his school. Very real man!
"Picoult writes with a fine touch, a sharp eye for detail, and a firm grasp of the delicacy and complexity of human relationships." - The Boston Globe
Ok for the next few posts I'm gonna write down some excerpts I got from this book that I find the words very touching and meaningful.
Like this one - "The death of a loved one can shake us to our foundation. When the person is so young and so full of potential and skills, the feelings of grief and loss can be even more overwhelming. At times such as this, we turn to our friends and family for support, for a shoulder to cry on and for someone to walk that road of pain and anguish with us."
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Frustratingly f*** up
There is so much we can do......
Came home feeling emotionally drained. Before left school I called my favourite kid's mum concern that her attendance has been bad. The reason; she has skin problem. The kid loves to scratched herself when she's left at home. She doesn't do it in school maybe because we always manage to keep her occupied. Its really frustrating cos here I am trying to find ways to help her stop the habit whereas the mum refuse to send her to school because she is worried that I won't notice that her daughter would scratch herself. WHAT THE!!!! For her info I gave the daughter more attention that she does!! I have more heart pain than she does!! Can you believe it? She blames her daughter skin condition for her stress level when her daughter is no concern to her!! I've done so much to her and just when she was improving in so many areas, her mum has to refuse to send the daughter to school, causing her to regress. For all of your info, the scratch was just a tine one but because the mother was so smart to bandage her arm and causing the germs to stuck inside the wound thus causing her arm to be rotten with pus and all.
I told her that by sending the daughter to school, I could find ways to get her to stop scratching but the mum insist that there's nothing can be done to get her to scratch. The mum also insists that she keep her daughter occupied for 24 hours and holding her hand. Can you believe being stuck to your mum for 24 hours??!! If I also would scratch myself to death man like that!! I don't understand this parents. They want their child to be NORMAL but they won't help them to be NORMAL!! This world is sick man!!!
Giving up!! Must not let myself get to attached to her already. It just hurts so much when you've tried everything to help her yet there are PEOPLE factor that is hindiring you.
Came home feeling emotionally drained. Before left school I called my favourite kid's mum concern that her attendance has been bad. The reason; she has skin problem. The kid loves to scratched herself when she's left at home. She doesn't do it in school maybe because we always manage to keep her occupied. Its really frustrating cos here I am trying to find ways to help her stop the habit whereas the mum refuse to send her to school because she is worried that I won't notice that her daughter would scratch herself. WHAT THE!!!! For her info I gave the daughter more attention that she does!! I have more heart pain than she does!! Can you believe it? She blames her daughter skin condition for her stress level when her daughter is no concern to her!! I've done so much to her and just when she was improving in so many areas, her mum has to refuse to send the daughter to school, causing her to regress. For all of your info, the scratch was just a tine one but because the mother was so smart to bandage her arm and causing the germs to stuck inside the wound thus causing her arm to be rotten with pus and all.
I told her that by sending the daughter to school, I could find ways to get her to stop scratching but the mum insist that there's nothing can be done to get her to scratch. The mum also insists that she keep her daughter occupied for 24 hours and holding her hand. Can you believe being stuck to your mum for 24 hours??!! If I also would scratch myself to death man like that!! I don't understand this parents. They want their child to be NORMAL but they won't help them to be NORMAL!! This world is sick man!!!
Giving up!! Must not let myself get to attached to her already. It just hurts so much when you've tried everything to help her yet there are PEOPLE factor that is hindiring you.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Kumar The Queen
Went to catch Kumar The Queen at the esplanade last night. Soo Shiok!!!! It was damn hilarious man. HE is DAMN HILARIOUS!!!! Me & Soul laughs our heads off.
There were so many people at the esplanade. We were sitting infront of the esplanade facing the merlion, waiting for break fast time, when this group of irritating Malay PUNKS came and sit beside us. AND you know what they did!!! They drank infront of us lah!!! IDIOTS!!!! They were mixing vodka with 7up and sharing it. There were about 6 or 7 of them and they bought only 1 bottle each and pour inside small plastic cup (the MCdonalds type) and distribute among themselves. So SILLY!!!! Obviously they were all underage. They were so irritating!!! Then one of them started vomiting. I was so pissed!!! Heeelllllo u only drank one small stupid cup and you were already vomiting!! So idiotic right. Wasting drinks only... hai PLEASE don't associate me & Soul to those idiots. We might have the same colour skin but there is no way in hell I would be associated to be of the same reliogous/race/even blood with them!!
There were so many people at the esplanade. We were sitting infront of the esplanade facing the merlion, waiting for break fast time, when this group of irritating Malay PUNKS came and sit beside us. AND you know what they did!!! They drank infront of us lah!!! IDIOTS!!!! They were mixing vodka with 7up and sharing it. There were about 6 or 7 of them and they bought only 1 bottle each and pour inside small plastic cup (the MCdonalds type) and distribute among themselves. So SILLY!!!! Obviously they were all underage. They were so irritating!!! Then one of them started vomiting. I was so pissed!!! Heeelllllo u only drank one small stupid cup and you were already vomiting!! So idiotic right. Wasting drinks only... hai PLEASE don't associate me & Soul to those idiots. We might have the same colour skin but there is no way in hell I would be associated to be of the same reliogous/race/even blood with them!!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Knowing that Happiness is just a wink away
Remember the hamster my dad found?? We named it Puteh (white) cos of its white fur. Ok its pampered like hell k!! Now it won't eat from its food container. Instead it will wait for either me or my sis to feed it!!! Soul has been reading from the net bout Hamster and he suggested that I try to get it eating from my hand to get it more friendly with me. So silly me, decided to try it out. So there I was, with food in my hand, with the cage door open, coaxing Puteh out. Then guess what!! It bit me!!! Pain siak!!! Luckily no blood....hai...see lah trying to be so clever right!!
On another note, Me and Soul has been writing things down for our wedding preparation. Wah lau so many things to get ready!! We've also counted our money and decided on the month. Only waiting for him to talk to his mum and agreeing to it. We are so excited cos we finally getting things going. My dad and mum is so supportive, keep assuring us not to worry so much bout the money. But at least now with the money already accounted for, its actually a big load off my mind. Now can relax abit and just take things one step at a time ;P
On another note, Me and Soul has been writing things down for our wedding preparation. Wah lau so many things to get ready!! We've also counted our money and decided on the month. Only waiting for him to talk to his mum and agreeing to it. We are so excited cos we finally getting things going. My dad and mum is so supportive, keep assuring us not to worry so much bout the money. But at least now with the money already accounted for, its actually a big load off my mind. Now can relax abit and just take things one step at a time ;P
Saturday, September 22, 2007
What a week
Man what a week! Been sooooooooo busy with school man!
Ok I have to write this down cos I think its begining to freak me out.
The day after THE engagement, Dad woke me up super early to ask whether I had brought back cats with me the nite(went out with Naz and hubby and Hamdan together with Soul for a late nite supper) before (I used to bring back kittens I found under the block)? . I answered sleepily "What cats?" And then went out to the corridor and 2 fat cats (male & female) were miowing. They were sooo cute and super frienly!!!! Dad fed them the leftover food. One of them actually ran into our house and Mum started screaming at us to get the cats out. So all of us woke up to catch the cat. And boy I think the cat was freaked out by Mum's screaming. They sat outside our house the whole day, hiding underneth our flower pots. They slept in the afternoon sun with the male cat's paw hugging the female one. It was soooooo sweet. So like Soul whenever he sleeps his hand will surely around me one! hahahaha
Anyway they stayed the night and disappeared the next day. But they came back again in the night. Eeerily scary. I mean how did they knew it was our house, how did they get to the same spot the same floor??? Mum didn't like them to stay outside the house cos they might get use to it, so me and Dad and Aidil had to bring them down and I got scratched!! So sad!!! I went to my room, called Soul and cried cos I was getting attached to them and didn't like the idea they were being chased away. It was so bad ok that I dreamt of cats that night!!!
The next day on the way home from giving tuition Dad called and said he found a white hamster underneth the flower pots and asked if we want to keep it. So me & Sis kept it and she so attached to it that she pampers it like mad!! Bought new cage, food, equipment to brush the hamster. Hai......
So the hamster is now in our room cos Mum said 'kesian' in the hall very hot and our room is much cooler. Crazy man!!! Ok now the weird thing is that for the last couple of days, the cats came back!!!! Eeerriiii!!!! We still can't figure it out how they got to our 15th floor. Am trying not to feed it cos I'm worried I get too attached to it and won't want to let them go later.
It is so weird!!! Dad said it could be a good sign cos its after our engagment and the TWO cats were found outside our door. Normally you seldom can see 2 stray cats getting along with each other. So I'm praying and hoping and taking it as a good sign about me and Soul. ;)
Ok I have to write this down cos I think its begining to freak me out.
The day after THE engagement, Dad woke me up super early to ask whether I had brought back cats with me the nite(went out with Naz and hubby and Hamdan together with Soul for a late nite supper) before (I used to bring back kittens I found under the block)? . I answered sleepily "What cats?" And then went out to the corridor and 2 fat cats (male & female) were miowing. They were sooo cute and super frienly!!!! Dad fed them the leftover food. One of them actually ran into our house and Mum started screaming at us to get the cats out. So all of us woke up to catch the cat. And boy I think the cat was freaked out by Mum's screaming. They sat outside our house the whole day, hiding underneth our flower pots. They slept in the afternoon sun with the male cat's paw hugging the female one. It was soooooo sweet. So like Soul whenever he sleeps his hand will surely around me one! hahahaha
Anyway they stayed the night and disappeared the next day. But they came back again in the night. Eeerily scary. I mean how did they knew it was our house, how did they get to the same spot the same floor??? Mum didn't like them to stay outside the house cos they might get use to it, so me and Dad and Aidil had to bring them down and I got scratched!! So sad!!! I went to my room, called Soul and cried cos I was getting attached to them and didn't like the idea they were being chased away. It was so bad ok that I dreamt of cats that night!!!
The next day on the way home from giving tuition Dad called and said he found a white hamster underneth the flower pots and asked if we want to keep it. So me & Sis kept it and she so attached to it that she pampers it like mad!! Bought new cage, food, equipment to brush the hamster. Hai......
So the hamster is now in our room cos Mum said 'kesian' in the hall very hot and our room is much cooler. Crazy man!!! Ok now the weird thing is that for the last couple of days, the cats came back!!!! Eeerriiii!!!! We still can't figure it out how they got to our 15th floor. Am trying not to feed it cos I'm worried I get too attached to it and won't want to let them go later.
It is so weird!!! Dad said it could be a good sign cos its after our engagment and the TWO cats were found outside our door. Normally you seldom can see 2 stray cats getting along with each other. So I'm praying and hoping and taking it as a good sign about me and Soul. ;)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
A night out
Had a blasts!!
Met up with Fad and Khairizal at town for breaking fast and also to celebrate Fad's leaving for Germany. Izzah wasn't able to make it cos she can't find anyone to babysit her 2 babies ;(
I went to TAKA first to get somethings and....there was so many nice things!!!! I hate it when I can't shop!!! There is always so many crazy nice things that I can't get ;(
Anyway got Fad a frame with the picture of 4 of us (Me, Fad, Khairizal & Izzah) taken two years ago as a goodbye and advance birthday present. Then met up with Fad at Paragon's coffee bean before we head out to Far east to 'chop' place for breaking fast. Waited for Khairizal. He came like a storm talking non-stop. He's hilarious man!!! After breaking fast we head out to LIDO Mc where we chill and tok bout good old days. Can't believe its 12 years of friendship!!!! Man we are so old!!!
We parted our ways around 9. Initially wanted to take the bus home but Khairizal offered to send me home on his scooter. First time get to ride on his bulldog!!!!! It was hilariously scary. No offense dude but you are just recovering from an accident.
Soul would have enjoyed this chilling session, unfortunately he had his Capoeira class. Gonna miss the dudes cos its getting very rare for us to meet up nowadays.
Met up with Fad and Khairizal at town for breaking fast and also to celebrate Fad's leaving for Germany. Izzah wasn't able to make it cos she can't find anyone to babysit her 2 babies ;(
I went to TAKA first to get somethings and....there was so many nice things!!!! I hate it when I can't shop!!! There is always so many crazy nice things that I can't get ;(
Anyway got Fad a frame with the picture of 4 of us (Me, Fad, Khairizal & Izzah) taken two years ago as a goodbye and advance birthday present. Then met up with Fad at Paragon's coffee bean before we head out to Far east to 'chop' place for breaking fast. Waited for Khairizal. He came like a storm talking non-stop. He's hilarious man!!! After breaking fast we head out to LIDO Mc where we chill and tok bout good old days. Can't believe its 12 years of friendship!!!! Man we are so old!!!
We parted our ways around 9. Initially wanted to take the bus home but Khairizal offered to send me home on his scooter. First time get to ride on his bulldog!!!!! It was hilariously scary. No offense dude but you are just recovering from an accident.
Soul would have enjoyed this chilling session, unfortunately he had his Capoeira class. Gonna miss the dudes cos its getting very rare for us to meet up nowadays.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
People has been askin me why I did not update my blog and post my engagement details. Just can't be bothere cos been too busy with work. Not really feel like talking bout it so will just let the pics talk........
Granddaughters with grandma
1st Grandchild
The Family
The Food
My gifts for him

Wif sis-in-law putting in the ring
Soul's cuzz
Sis-in-law's gifts for me
The Ring
At The END of the DAY

Granddaughters with grandma

Wif sis-in-law putting in the ring

Sunday, September 02, 2007
Alulu's Wedding
The hols is here!!!!
Teacher's Day celebration is finally over. Was head of the committee (AGAIN!!). Was a bit woried at how it would turn out cos there was quite a chaos initially. Didn't want to repeat what I did last year so had to come up with something new and exciting this year. We decorated the school hall with peictures of the teachers with bodies of magazine models. Turned out to be really successful since there was a lot of comments from the teachers and parents.Wahahahahaha!!!!!
The concert was really cool thanx to the teachers' hard work of putting the pupils up to perform. I think my committee really did well this year (a pat on the back for you guys).
Alulu finally got married. 1 down 1 more to go (left you Rach!!!)
Me and Naz before Alulu said her 'I dos'
Signing her freedom as a single woman
Putting on the ring
Friends forever, married and all
Gosh we used to shop and lepak togetherzzz and now both Alulu and Naz are married ;)
Really missed those days....Don't think we'll ever be free as we used to be ;(
So exciting. So happy for her.
Teacher's Day celebration is finally over. Was head of the committee (AGAIN!!). Was a bit woried at how it would turn out cos there was quite a chaos initially. Didn't want to repeat what I did last year so had to come up with something new and exciting this year. We decorated the school hall with peictures of the teachers with bodies of magazine models. Turned out to be really successful since there was a lot of comments from the teachers and parents.Wahahahahaha!!!!!
The concert was really cool thanx to the teachers' hard work of putting the pupils up to perform. I think my committee really did well this year (a pat on the back for you guys).
Alulu finally got married. 1 down 1 more to go (left you Rach!!!)

Me and Naz before Alulu said her 'I dos'

Signing her freedom as a single woman

Friends forever, married and all

A friend in need is a friend indeed
Gosh we used to shop and lepak togetherzzz and now both Alulu and Naz are married ;)
Really missed those days....Don't think we'll ever be free as we used to be ;(
So exciting. So happy for her.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Rock Climb
My body aching like mad!!
Went rock climbing with my students and colleagues as part of our edusave outing.
It rocks man. Haven't done this for sooooo long!!!! It still did not make me NOT afraid of heights. I thinks the teachers are more excited than the kids.
Trying very hard to hang on
Ms Kaiyah posing while climbing
Mrs Chia all the way
My "Golden Boy" made it all the way. So proud of him!!!
They also did Flying Fox (which I totally skip cos I'm soo gonna get nightmares!!!)

We had so much fun!!!
Hectic hectic.....still got the Teacher's Day celebration coming up. Food to prepare, decorations to put up,a concert to plan.......still got one more week to hang on to.
Went rock climbing with my students and colleagues as part of our edusave outing.
It rocks man. Haven't done this for sooooo long!!!! It still did not make me NOT afraid of heights. I thinks the teachers are more excited than the kids.

They also did Flying Fox (which I totally skip cos I'm soo gonna get nightmares!!!)

We had so much fun!!!
Hectic hectic.....still got the Teacher's Day celebration coming up. Food to prepare, decorations to put up,a concert to plan.......still got one more week to hang on to.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
2 more weeks to go.....
Really burnt out
Feeling exhausted
Anytime can just knock out
Don't think I should wake up soon
Nonsense from the children
Crap from the parents
The things we have to put up with
As a teacher as a guider
2 more weeks to hang on to..........
Feeling exhausted
Anytime can just knock out
Don't think I should wake up soon
Nonsense from the children
Crap from the parents
The things we have to put up with
As a teacher as a guider
2 more weeks to hang on to..........
Saturday, August 11, 2007
National Day Itself
Spent National Day itself at other people's house. First up spent at the kids house. Uncle K and their mum were doing the cooking so we just go there to eat. ;) Yummy food man...we had sweet sour fish, black pepper prawns, Oats prawns, Chicken masak merah, fried chicken, nasi briyani.....such funny food combination but we just eat!!!
The highlight of the day was the visit to Mrs Mara's condominium at Novena. She lived on the 24th storey and the view was just.....WOW!! Was very excited cos heard lots of wonderful things bout her place. The sceneric view was very nice. You can see everything from there (ok lah maybe not everything lah). We can see the CDB area (our fav place), the esplanade, toa payoh, pasir ris (at least the outline of the flats). While watching the parade (on tv), we get to see the helicopters flying past with the national flag LIVE, the parachuters dropping from the sky LIVE and the different planes flying past LIVE! But the best thing was of course the fireworks!!! Although the ambience is different but somehow its a nice change from the usual crowded ambience.
Then yest went to Geylang to look for my baju for the 'thingy' in sept. Went with Soul, my mum, Cik Ras and Cik Salleh. Got a bit of a headache initially cos my mum and Cik Ras and ME have different taste. So we went to so many different shops, trying out different costumes. We finally went to Joo Chiat and the first shop we went in I tried out 2 sets of costumes and finally all os us agreed on something. It is a bit $XXX but its worth it!!!
So excited both me and Soul.
The highlight of the day was the visit to Mrs Mara's condominium at Novena. She lived on the 24th storey and the view was just.....WOW!! Was very excited cos heard lots of wonderful things bout her place. The sceneric view was very nice. You can see everything from there (ok lah maybe not everything lah). We can see the CDB area (our fav place), the esplanade, toa payoh, pasir ris (at least the outline of the flats). While watching the parade (on tv), we get to see the helicopters flying past with the national flag LIVE, the parachuters dropping from the sky LIVE and the different planes flying past LIVE! But the best thing was of course the fireworks!!! Although the ambience is different but somehow its a nice change from the usual crowded ambience.
Then yest went to Geylang to look for my baju for the 'thingy' in sept. Went with Soul, my mum, Cik Ras and Cik Salleh. Got a bit of a headache initially cos my mum and Cik Ras and ME have different taste. So we went to so many different shops, trying out different costumes. We finally went to Joo Chiat and the first shop we went in I tried out 2 sets of costumes and finally all os us agreed on something. It is a bit $XXX but its worth it!!!
So excited both me and Soul.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
National Day
Had a weird dream.Dreamt of my late Uncle Rosli.
Dreamt my late Uncle send me a msg before he passed away.
I wish he did. I wish I knew what was going on with him during his last few days.
Cried in the dream. Realise I was still crying when I woke up.
I miss him so much.
Dreamt my late Uncle send me a msg before he passed away.
I wish he did. I wish I knew what was going on with him during his last few days.
Cried in the dream. Realise I was still crying when I woke up.
I miss him so much.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Had a crazy day.......
We started out our day shopping at far east. Leftfoot at far east is having this crazy shoes sale so I brought my bro to get a pair of shoes since he has been using his older bro ones (its amazing how big boys can grow in a few months!!!). The shoes (branded ok!) that was priced over $100 was selling at around $60 so of cos must grab. Too bad no nice women shoes.
Then we headed out to Borders Fish & Co (my all time fav!!) for lunch. Its been awhile since we had eaten there. I so miss the fish & chips and seafood platter.

Then went to meet up with Nor at Taka during her lunch break. Taka was damn packed!! Forgot that today was Saturday. Sent Soul to go and get T-shirts for my bro cos I wanted to have girl talk with Nor. So managed to spent an hour with her. She looked damn tired and stressed. Poor mummy-to-be. I still can't believe she's pregnant!!
After that we head out to the LIME flea market beside Cineleisure. Went crazy with accessories today. I bought 2 necklaces and 2 bangles and already spent close to $50!! Then we head up to the 9th floor of Cineleisure to get my ODM watch (Soul's gift to me). Been waiting to get my hands on it for a year already but now feel so sayang to wear it cos its just too cool!!!

Mum actually shreaked when I showed her the watch and told her we were thinking of using th watch as a exchange gift for the engagement. She said it looks too toyish. Opinions anyone???
After that we went to Suntec to watch The Simpsons. Ok its a crap show with crap lines but its entertaining and there was a plot behind it all. I guess once in a while its good to watch this kind of show cos it makes you not think for a while. Especially good for people who is stressed and need to relax, like me. Hahahahaha.
Later we rushed to Marina Square to catch the fireworks. Along the way we managed to catch the parade peple parade in the suntec. And by parade people I mean the Armies, the Navies, the Police, the kids in the uniform group. Call me 'Jakun' but I've never went to a National Day parade before so was very excited and kiasu at the same time.
Ok if you want to catch the fireworks the best place would be at the steps outside Marina Square. But on the NAtional Day, be prepared for the crowd. Today was the preview and it was horrible!!!. What's more they actually cordoned off the steps area so there was limited space. Although I must say fireworks in Singapore is getting common cos there seems to be fireworks on every occasion (Singapore must really be having so much money to spend), there are still elements of surprise here and there. I'm not gonna tell you but watch out for 3 high rise buildings at Shenton Way.
Sorry if you find this post to be a bit messy and seems hurried. Cos you see I just got my hands on the final Harry Potter book and I've already started to read the book. So you see my mind is already on the book, trying to figure out or anticipate what is going to happen to Harry and his armies. (I think I will sleep with the book under my pillow for fearing my sibs will get their hands on it.)
We started out our day shopping at far east. Leftfoot at far east is having this crazy shoes sale so I brought my bro to get a pair of shoes since he has been using his older bro ones (its amazing how big boys can grow in a few months!!!). The shoes (branded ok!) that was priced over $100 was selling at around $60 so of cos must grab. Too bad no nice women shoes.
Then we headed out to Borders Fish & Co (my all time fav!!) for lunch. Its been awhile since we had eaten there. I so miss the fish & chips and seafood platter.

Then went to meet up with Nor at Taka during her lunch break. Taka was damn packed!! Forgot that today was Saturday. Sent Soul to go and get T-shirts for my bro cos I wanted to have girl talk with Nor. So managed to spent an hour with her. She looked damn tired and stressed. Poor mummy-to-be. I still can't believe she's pregnant!!
After that we head out to the LIME flea market beside Cineleisure. Went crazy with accessories today. I bought 2 necklaces and 2 bangles and already spent close to $50!! Then we head up to the 9th floor of Cineleisure to get my ODM watch (Soul's gift to me). Been waiting to get my hands on it for a year already but now feel so sayang to wear it cos its just too cool!!!

Mum actually shreaked when I showed her the watch and told her we were thinking of using th watch as a exchange gift for the engagement. She said it looks too toyish. Opinions anyone???
After that we went to Suntec to watch The Simpsons. Ok its a crap show with crap lines but its entertaining and there was a plot behind it all. I guess once in a while its good to watch this kind of show cos it makes you not think for a while. Especially good for people who is stressed and need to relax, like me. Hahahahaha.
Later we rushed to Marina Square to catch the fireworks. Along the way we managed to catch the parade peple parade in the suntec. And by parade people I mean the Armies, the Navies, the Police, the kids in the uniform group. Call me 'Jakun' but I've never went to a National Day parade before so was very excited and kiasu at the same time.
Ok if you want to catch the fireworks the best place would be at the steps outside Marina Square. But on the NAtional Day, be prepared for the crowd. Today was the preview and it was horrible!!!. What's more they actually cordoned off the steps area so there was limited space. Although I must say fireworks in Singapore is getting common cos there seems to be fireworks on every occasion (Singapore must really be having so much money to spend), there are still elements of surprise here and there. I'm not gonna tell you but watch out for 3 high rise buildings at Shenton Way.
Sorry if you find this post to be a bit messy and seems hurried. Cos you see I just got my hands on the final Harry Potter book and I've already started to read the book. So you see my mind is already on the book, trying to figure out or anticipate what is going to happen to Harry and his armies. (I think I will sleep with the book under my pillow for fearing my sibs will get their hands on it.)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
SSSuuuppperrrr BBBZZZZZ
What a week man!!!
Ok where do I start??!!
Been supeer busy for the past week. Besides trying to get used with the new P in school, I was also been extra busy by attending a 3 1/2 (Sat-tues) day course; Disables Track & Field Technical and Coaching Course 2007
Super chim siak. Wasn't really so enthusiastic about attending the course cos Faz couldn't attend initially due to some fuck up by the management. But me and Mr Ravi went all the way trying to convince the VP to let her attend. When we finnaly thought of giving up, we realise that we should have shown them the timetable and told them that the course actually ends at around 12 on the last day. So printed out the timetable and got Faz to show the VP who finally agreed to let her go. Yeah!!
The course was ok lah. Actually we were quite blur on the first day cos we no NUTS about track and field. But manage to survive the 3 LONG (9 to 5) days. Hai there goes my weekend. On happier notes, we got to rub shoulders with big people of the track and field. We got coaches who were sprinters na drunners during their younger days. Get to meet up close (yet not personal) with our own paralympic champion wheelchair sprinter, Firdaus. He is soooo cute!!!! He is I think 4 th in world wide class (for paralympic).
Soul's family (his mum, sis, aunt and uncle to be precise) came to meet my family on last sat. Was very nervous cos its the first time they meeting. (Although his uncle and aunt knew my Cik Salleh and Cik Ras). I think my aunts are more excited than me. Supe chaotic!!! Both of us (me and Soul) got everything planned for the engagement. We want everything done in our own way so we really talk about it and just got our family members to agree on it. Hehehehehe.......
We are going to clebrate Racial Harmony tomorrow and guess what we had to do??? We had to show or present on the different marriage customs. The best thing is that my level had to do Malay wedding. I am the only malay teacher in that level and I have no clues on whatsoever bout malay wedding cos I'm not married yet. So how ironic is that. But we definately gonna have lots of fun.
Went to watch Harry Potter at Vivo City Gold Class. Waliau so shiok man. The seats were so comfy that I could fall asleep if it weren't for the movie and the cute Daniel Radcliff.I can't believe they grew up so fast!!! The movie was great!!! Superb man now can't wait for the book!!!!
Ok where do I start??!!
Been supeer busy for the past week. Besides trying to get used with the new P in school, I was also been extra busy by attending a 3 1/2 (Sat-tues) day course; Disables Track & Field Technical and Coaching Course 2007
Super chim siak. Wasn't really so enthusiastic about attending the course cos Faz couldn't attend initially due to some fuck up by the management. But me and Mr Ravi went all the way trying to convince the VP to let her attend. When we finnaly thought of giving up, we realise that we should have shown them the timetable and told them that the course actually ends at around 12 on the last day. So printed out the timetable and got Faz to show the VP who finally agreed to let her go. Yeah!!
The course was ok lah. Actually we were quite blur on the first day cos we no NUTS about track and field. But manage to survive the 3 LONG (9 to 5) days. Hai there goes my weekend. On happier notes, we got to rub shoulders with big people of the track and field. We got coaches who were sprinters na drunners during their younger days. Get to meet up close (yet not personal) with our own paralympic champion wheelchair sprinter, Firdaus. He is soooo cute!!!! He is I think 4 th in world wide class (for paralympic).
Soul's family (his mum, sis, aunt and uncle to be precise) came to meet my family on last sat. Was very nervous cos its the first time they meeting. (Although his uncle and aunt knew my Cik Salleh and Cik Ras). I think my aunts are more excited than me. Supe chaotic!!! Both of us (me and Soul) got everything planned for the engagement. We want everything done in our own way so we really talk about it and just got our family members to agree on it. Hehehehehe.......
We are going to clebrate Racial Harmony tomorrow and guess what we had to do??? We had to show or present on the different marriage customs. The best thing is that my level had to do Malay wedding. I am the only malay teacher in that level and I have no clues on whatsoever bout malay wedding cos I'm not married yet. So how ironic is that. But we definately gonna have lots of fun.
Went to watch Harry Potter at Vivo City Gold Class. Waliau so shiok man. The seats were so comfy that I could fall asleep if it weren't for the movie and the cute Daniel Radcliff.I can't believe they grew up so fast!!! The movie was great!!! Superb man now can't wait for the book!!!!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Pink PSP
Damn Shiok!!!
Its been one crazy weekend. Just got our pay and the GST money, we suddenly found ourselves loaded. Hahahahaha....that was before we paid our bills and set aside certain amount into our saving ;)
I can't remember how it started but we were so adamant to get the PINK PSP. SO we head out to Sim Lim on Sat to look around for cheap prices. Can you believ it, that there is actually many versions to various price range!!! There is some that can download from the internet, there is others that can upgrade and downgrade lah. I can't believe its so difficult. Why can't they just have one PSP version!!!! So leceh. We finally came to a ALL ladies shop selling PSP. This girl she explains to me the different versions, the different downloads, the different softwares lah, which actually make sense after awhile.
After debating for 15 minutes standing by the escalator, going through all the pros and cons of getting the PSP, and whether we will have enough money for the rest of the month, we finally decided to get the PINK PSP. I can't believe the hassle and everything.
Both me and Soul were so excited. We got the ladies to download some games for us on spot so we can play the games immediatly. Unfortunately, they don't have the game I sooo want. Haiii......anyway, soul and I can't seem to put the bloody PSP down. Its so addictive man!!! SO finally Soul won't feel so bored going home in the rain anymore ;)
Me & my PINK PSP

Soul so engrossed in the game!!!
Its been one crazy weekend. Just got our pay and the GST money, we suddenly found ourselves loaded. Hahahahaha....that was before we paid our bills and set aside certain amount into our saving ;)
I can't remember how it started but we were so adamant to get the PINK PSP. SO we head out to Sim Lim on Sat to look around for cheap prices. Can you believ it, that there is actually many versions to various price range!!! There is some that can download from the internet, there is others that can upgrade and downgrade lah. I can't believe its so difficult. Why can't they just have one PSP version!!!! So leceh. We finally came to a ALL ladies shop selling PSP. This girl she explains to me the different versions, the different downloads, the different softwares lah, which actually make sense after awhile.
After debating for 15 minutes standing by the escalator, going through all the pros and cons of getting the PSP, and whether we will have enough money for the rest of the month, we finally decided to get the PINK PSP. I can't believe the hassle and everything.
Both me and Soul were so excited. We got the ladies to download some games for us on spot so we can play the games immediatly. Unfortunately, they don't have the game I sooo want. Haiii......anyway, soul and I can't seem to put the bloody PSP down. Its so addictive man!!! SO finally Soul won't feel so bored going home in the rain anymore ;)

Me & my PINK PSP

Soul so engrossed in the game!!!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
SHIt The Hols are gone!!!
I can't believe it....its already a month since the hols started and we HAVE to go back to sch on monday ;(
HAi.......i've just finish my lesson plan for the first 2 weeks but have not yet started on the IEPs.....
anyone any idea how many short term goals we need to set this semester?? I forgoten already siak!!AAAAGGGGHHHH
I can't seem to remember what I've done this hols. Everything seems so blury....
Lots of things gonna change once school re-opens. Realities begining to sink in now. Life gonna suck big time cos me and Soul gonna have to go through the biggest challenge in our life. Yes....finally everyones wildest dream gonna come true....Soul has proposed and we've already set the date for our engagement and wedding although I'm not gonna reveal it yet till everyting is comfirmed by both families. Hahahahaha...so stay tune ya.

Hugzzzz from both of us....
HAi.......i've just finish my lesson plan for the first 2 weeks but have not yet started on the IEPs.....
anyone any idea how many short term goals we need to set this semester?? I forgoten already siak!!AAAAGGGGHHHH
I can't seem to remember what I've done this hols. Everything seems so blury....
Lots of things gonna change once school re-opens. Realities begining to sink in now. Life gonna suck big time cos me and Soul gonna have to go through the biggest challenge in our life. Yes....finally everyones wildest dream gonna come true....Soul has proposed and we've already set the date for our engagement and wedding although I'm not gonna reveal it yet till everyting is comfirmed by both families. Hahahahaha...so stay tune ya.

Hugzzzz from both of us....
Monday, June 18, 2007
A month is gone
I can't believe its already more than a month since Amoi came back to Singapore with little Phoebe. Time sure flies....
Little Phoebe and me
Isn't she cute??!!!
Went to the airport early sunday morning to see Amoi and Phoebe off (Thier flight was at 11.30 am). Me and Soul bought her this one pair of shoes for little Phoebe cos her mum doesn't like to wear shoes for her. Hahahaha....
So after seeing them off, both of us were starving!!!! We went to look for the Merrybrown chicken that we remembered was somewhere around. But we couldn't find it!! They've closed!!!! Boo hoo!!!! Then we saw Popeye and it was Halal!!! I can't believe its halal already and I didn't know about it......Khairizal keep pissing me of that time when he just came back from New Orleans and keep telling us about the Popeye's chicken there. Excitedly, me and Soul bought the 2 piece meal and a shrimp burger meal (can u believe it?? Shrimp burger???). It was HEAVEN.....I can't believe how yummy it tastes. The mashed potato is *drooling....hmmmmm even now I can still remember the taste of that meal. We were so excited and greedy to eat that we forgot that I wanted to take a pic of the meal.
Rach now I understand why u have to get ur weekly dosage of Popeye. If Anis were to have a car, I would make him drive me all the way to the airport too. Hai.....maybe we will go there again this weekend....
After that we head out to town to catch The Fantastic 4. Ok lah its not really so vavavoom as many people said. But I do agree that the silver surfer is one sexy dude and he really is amazing with the board. Then we walk around to look for things that I can shop. Haiyah nothing much that really caught my eyes (surprisingly).
I can't believe there is only a few more days before the sch reopens. I wish the holidays never end......

Isn't she cute??!!!
Went to the airport early sunday morning to see Amoi and Phoebe off (Thier flight was at 11.30 am). Me and Soul bought her this one pair of shoes for little Phoebe cos her mum doesn't like to wear shoes for her. Hahahaha....
So after seeing them off, both of us were starving!!!! We went to look for the Merrybrown chicken that we remembered was somewhere around. But we couldn't find it!! They've closed!!!! Boo hoo!!!! Then we saw Popeye and it was Halal!!! I can't believe its halal already and I didn't know about it......Khairizal keep pissing me of that time when he just came back from New Orleans and keep telling us about the Popeye's chicken there. Excitedly, me and Soul bought the 2 piece meal and a shrimp burger meal (can u believe it?? Shrimp burger???). It was HEAVEN.....I can't believe how yummy it tastes. The mashed potato is *drooling....hmmmmm even now I can still remember the taste of that meal. We were so excited and greedy to eat that we forgot that I wanted to take a pic of the meal.
Rach now I understand why u have to get ur weekly dosage of Popeye. If Anis were to have a car, I would make him drive me all the way to the airport too. Hai.....maybe we will go there again this weekend....
After that we head out to town to catch The Fantastic 4. Ok lah its not really so vavavoom as many people said. But I do agree that the silver surfer is one sexy dude and he really is amazing with the board. Then we walk around to look for things that I can shop. Haiyah nothing much that really caught my eyes (surprisingly).
I can't believe there is only a few more days before the sch reopens. I wish the holidays never end......
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Outing with my aunts
Went Geylang with my grandma and aunts today....Had quite a fun time just gossiping about people and all. Aunt Ras had won a $1000 voucher from taking part in a lucky draw. Gram had bought jewellery the last time they went there and had gotten the lucky draw tickets but had put the name under my aunt's name. So since my Aunt had won the ticket from Gram's money, she let Grams decide what to do with the winning ticket.
So Grams decided to get her 4 oldest granddaughters a bracelet each. Lucky me I get to pick my own ;)cos I'm the eldest and the "Farvouritest" Hahahaha....
On another note, its the 3rd week of the hols and one more week left. I haven't even started to enjoy the hols!!!! I need to get started on the IEPs and lesson plans soon!!!!
So Grams decided to get her 4 oldest granddaughters a bracelet each. Lucky me I get to pick my own ;)cos I'm the eldest and the "Farvouritest" Hahahaha....
On another note, its the 3rd week of the hols and one more week left. I haven't even started to enjoy the hols!!!! I need to get started on the IEPs and lesson plans soon!!!!
Friday, June 01, 2007
That New Step
He finally did it. We finally taking the new step. Let the journey begin. A new chapter is gonna be written. Scary yet excited. Is it meant to be? Who knows what the future will hold......
Waking up I see that everything is OK
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm, I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliant
Makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliant
Please don't go away
Cause I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
Can you believe it, while everything crazy was going on, this song just nicely came to play on my laptop. It was so PERFECT!
P.S. Thanks to my 2 peeps, Rach & Naz, for not only being there for me but being there for US. I love you guys. Huggzzz....
Waking up I see that everything is OK
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm, I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's a state of bliss, you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliant
Makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliant
Please don't go away
Cause I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
Can you believe it, while everything crazy was going on, this song just nicely came to play on my laptop. It was so PERFECT!
P.S. Thanks to my 2 peeps, Rach & Naz, for not only being there for me but being there for US. I love you guys. Huggzzz....
Monday, May 28, 2007
Busy weekend
Whew! What a weekend! Infact what a week!!
Been super busy the whole week cos its the last week of the school for this semester. Yahoo!!!! Besides the normal thingy of seeing parents (for signing of pupil's progress report), been busy preparing for the LGS "Garden Party" which was held last sat.
What makes this event a big THINGY??? Its an annual thingy so thats why its a big event!! Ok rambling on..... Been put second in command for this school event so had been planning and acting on it since MARCH. Besides the paper works, preparing the invitation and liasing with the teachers, been super stressed with all the last minute people pulling out and replacing the pupils.
But thankfully, all went well. Must say that I have a very good and supportive team mates (the LGS teachers lah, who else kan but not everyone of them duh!). Thank you to those peeps who were responsible enough for making it happen.
Besides that, another event of the year was Naz's wedding. Finally siak! Can't believe its been 2 years already. She was so gorgeous!!! She got engaged 2 years ago and we've been waiting fo this day to come! She was my chilling buddy. We used to lepak on the weekends and after NIE, doing assignments together, go cycling with Alulu. Hai those were the days. I really miss those dayz cos we could not find the time easily now that they all getting married. Hai.... There I go again, can't seem to let go of my past.

on our way to the wedding!!

A quick picture with some colleagues before the groom arrives

One with the groom with kak kaiyah

the last pic for the day
Been super busy the whole week cos its the last week of the school for this semester. Yahoo!!!! Besides the normal thingy of seeing parents (for signing of pupil's progress report), been busy preparing for the LGS "Garden Party" which was held last sat.
What makes this event a big THINGY??? Its an annual thingy so thats why its a big event!! Ok rambling on..... Been put second in command for this school event so had been planning and acting on it since MARCH. Besides the paper works, preparing the invitation and liasing with the teachers, been super stressed with all the last minute people pulling out and replacing the pupils.
But thankfully, all went well. Must say that I have a very good and supportive team mates (the LGS teachers lah, who else kan but not everyone of them duh!). Thank you to those peeps who were responsible enough for making it happen.
Besides that, another event of the year was Naz's wedding. Finally siak! Can't believe its been 2 years already. She was so gorgeous!!! She got engaged 2 years ago and we've been waiting fo this day to come! She was my chilling buddy. We used to lepak on the weekends and after NIE, doing assignments together, go cycling with Alulu. Hai those were the days. I really miss those dayz cos we could not find the time easily now that they all getting married. Hai.... There I go again, can't seem to let go of my past.

on our way to the wedding!!

A quick picture with some colleagues before the groom arrives

One with the groom with kak kaiyah

the last pic for the day