Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Knowing that Happiness is just a wink away

Remember the hamster my dad found?? We named it Puteh (white) cos of its white fur. Ok its pampered like hell k!! Now it won't eat from its food container. Instead it will wait for either me or my sis to feed it!!! Soul has been reading from the net bout Hamster and he suggested that I try to get it eating from my hand to get it more friendly with me. So silly me, decided to try it out. So there I was, with food in my hand, with the cage door open, coaxing Puteh out. Then guess what!! It bit me!!! Pain siak!!! Luckily no blood....hai...see lah trying to be so clever right!!

On another note, Me and Soul has been writing things down for our wedding preparation. Wah lau so many things to get ready!! We've also counted our money and decided on the month. Only waiting for him to talk to his mum and agreeing to it. We are so excited cos we finally getting things going. My dad and mum is so supportive, keep assuring us not to worry so much bout the money. But at least now with the money already accounted for, its actually a big load off my mind. Now can relax abit and just take things one step at a time ;P

1 comment:

Unknown said...
