Thursday, April 23, 2009

Diamonds are girls best friend

So true!!!!!

We are starting to look around for rings now. So many to choose from!!!! I've gotten 2 engagement rings actually so kind of have an idea what I want for our wedding bands. Both our mums wants us to get GOLD rings. So traditional!!!! I am of course one modern woman. Soul got me both white gold for my engagement ring. The first one with 1 diamond, the second one with 2 its just right that the 3rd one is with 3 diamond right?

Anyway we've looked and still looking around. We both decided we did not want Lee Hwa rings, because my first ring from Lee Hwa was such a disappointment. I lost my diamond not once but twice! Whats more, I seldom wear that ring! So fed-up! My sis also found a forum where there was alot of complaints on Lee Hwa's diamond. It even came out in The New Paper once! So it was not my fault! The diamond is really no good!

Ok so currently we are looking at Meyson which is connected to MENG SENG. I found this one rose gold solitaire ring that I really like. The band is uniquely hugging that one diamond so it feels really special!

The next one that attracts me is from Sooke Brilliant Rose collection. Ok I am definitely a fan of Sooke after my god-ma bought me a trilogy diamond necklace from Sooke, also from its Brilliant Rose collection, on my 21st birthday. I only wear the necklace on special and family occasions. The 2 rings that I'm attracted to is has 3 diamonds. The diamonds altogether is 0.3 carats.

Hmmmm so many diamonds and so not enough money!!!! At least I have about 4 months to make up my mind.......

Monday, April 06, 2009

Death is peaceful.....

Death is is harder.........

I have been hurt too many time....disappointment???countless.....
How could people expect me to just take it easy and let it go. Don't they understand??? Its not once or twice. How come I'm the one who always have to give in. How come its ok if others are free last minute but not me? I guess I'm nothing. I don't belong here. Maybe its good that I'm leaving. That way I won't feel left out when I'm not invited.

Maybe I'm not a nice person. If I'm not, why the hell do I always have to be the one to give in.
Maybe I am really not nice. Maybe I am a dislikeable person.

I feel like I don't belong anywhere. My bestfriends are busy with their own life and have no time for me. And now I being too sensitive?? But if I ignore my feelings then whos going to care? I can't take it anymore. I hate this!!