Monday, November 04, 2013


Its been awhile since I've last blogged. Too many things have happened and as usual, just not enough time.......

First up, work as usual has been crazy! We are coming to the last 2 weeks of school before we get our long holiday. Hooray!!! Yet as usual, I enjoyed all the business and progress that I have made. Can't wait to find out what is in store for me next year! For now, 3 more events that I am involved with.......

My baby gerls sure keeps me on my toes! My big baby is all full of herself nowadays. She lves to imitates the cartoons she watched. Currently, her favourite is 'The Croods'. For those who are not sure what the cartoon is all about: Its all about this cave girl who has issues listening and following her dad's rules, which is all bout keeping the family safe. She met a new guy and the whole family went for this life journey to a new place. Ok I suck at summarising! Basically, the moral is all about father and daughter thingy. My babies love the cartoons. My big baby just love imitating the climbing and the singing. Yes, she is singing! She even sings the song when we were walking home from the supermarket!

My little baby is a bit more clingy. She is still breastfed, so I am not sure if that is one of the reasons she still clings to me a lot. When I am home, she refuse to follow anyone else. Even my mum! If we were at anybody else's place it is worst! She refuses to be put down. Oh well. Just part of being a mum I guess.

It gets harder to find time just for myself or just to spend with Soul. We are in our 4 years of marriage. I will not say that it gets easier, I guess it is more routine for us. We do try to find time just for us to spend together. But we also love the fact that the gerls are there to spend with us too.
Hopefully with the holidays coming up. We will get more time for us.