Saturday, February 16, 2013


Finally.......our 2nd Baby Gerl, Arissa Nailah Bte Anis was born to us on 13 Feb 2013, 3 weeks earlier than predicted. Man, my doc is really good at predicting!

Although this time round it seems the waiting period is shorter, the pain still seems endless! Haish....again not going to talk and recollect my memory on the pain but I can promise you, this is going to be the last time! I really, really, REALLY don't want to go through the pain again! (Soul please be reminded again!)

On another note, I really feel blessed to have these 2 small creatures in my life. Even with the pain, I AM grateful to have gotten through it. People keep asking me to have another one just to try for another boy. And I am telling these people, its ok, I already have a boy - Soul.

Our 1st Baby Gerl, seems so in love with her little sister. She can't seem to stop kissing her whenever she can. She is very helpful when it comes to changing diapers. She does not seemed affected that the attention is not all on her anymore. In fact, she seems more independent, at being all left alone to entertain herself. Although there were still some mischiefs on her part. (She was caught drinking someone's left over coke!)

Difference in both girls - Arissa seems more of a sleeper than the eater. Since the first night, she does not seems to want to be fed. Although she does cries, she seems more settled after being wrapped and hold to sleep. I kind of remembered Naira needed to be fed for almost every hour and she refused to be wrapped! But then again it is still too early to see much difference.

I guess in my part, 2 years ago seems so long that I can't remember much of the details to compare. Back then, I just want to get through the pain! So I still have a few more weeks to get through the confinement. I really can't wait to eat and drink anything I want, to be active again, although I won't say to do whatever I want, I really can't wait for my routine to be stabled once more.

Saturday, February 02, 2013


Feeling frustrated right now.

Coming to my last trimester. Hate the waiting game. Whats more with Soul not around.

Emotions are running high since I am deprived from so many things. Beginning to feel that life is so unfair. The sacrificies I have to make.....